(Updated 2nd December 2017)

Table of Contents

1. Name 3
2. Home course 3
3. Objects 3
4. Affiliation 3
5. Membership 3
6. Life Membership 3
7. Register of Members 4
8. Executive Committee 4
9. Election of The Committee 4
10. Executive Committee Meetings 4
11. Duties of Committee Members 4
12. Casual vacancies: 5
13. Annual General Meeting 5
14. Amendments to the Constitution 6
15. Interpretation of Rules 6

1. Name
1.1. Scrubbers Golf Club (the Club)

2. Home course
2.1. Hillview Public Golf Course
350 Kalamunda Road, Maida Vale WA.
2.2. A change to the Home course may take place during a season but must then be put to the members for ratification, by a member of the Committee, at the next Annual General Meeting (AGM) or Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM).
2.3. During the course of the year games may be played a course other than the home course.

3. Objects
3.1. The object of the Club is to foster the game of golf and good fellowship amongst members and visitors.
3.2. The property and income of the Club shall be applied solely towards promotion of the Club and no part of that property or income may be paid or otherwise distributed, directly or indirectly to the members of the Club, except in prize money which may not exceed 50% of green fees in any one prize and in good faith in the promotion of those objects.

4. Affiliation
4.1. The Club is affiliated with GolfWA, Golf Australia and GolfLink. The Committee may put a motion for a change of affiliation to its members at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) or Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM).

5. Membership
5.1. Membership of the Club is on an Annual basis.
5.2. No Nomination fees are required to become a member of the Club.
5.3. A person who wishes to become a member of the Club shall complete and sign a Club Application form stating his/her full name, address, contact details and other relevant details as required. All members must advise the Club Secretary of any change to their details as they are available.
5.4. A member shall abide by the Rules of the Club.

6. Life Membership
6.1. Members of the club who have played 500 or more games are to be considered life members and should be recognised at official club functions.

7. Register of Members
7.1. The Secretary shall keep and maintain an up to date register of members, their addresses at their place of residence and the date on which they became, or ceased to be, a member.
7.2. The member register must be available for viewing in either electronic or hard copy format by arrangement with the Secretary.

8. Executive Committee
8.1. The Club shall be managed by an Executive Committee (“the Committee”) consisting of:
• President
• Vice President
• Secretary
• Treasurer
• Handicapper

9. Election of The Committee
9.1. Nominations for positions on the Committee shall be made on the day of the AGM.
9.2. At the AGM all positions on the Committee shall fall vacant.
9.3. The President shall announce nominations for each position on the Committee.
9.4. Each nomination must be proposed and seconded by a Club member.
9.5. In the event of more than one nomination for a position, a show of hands or secret ballot of the members will determine the successful person.
9.6. An elected member shall be elected to the Committee for a period of one (1) year.

10. Executive Committee Meetings
10.1. The Committee shall meet as and when required to discuss matters relating to the Club including but not limited to rule clarifications, disputes, competitions and prize pools.

11. Duties of Committee Members
11.1. The President shall:
11.1.1. preside at all meetings;
11.1.2. welcome new members and visitors;
11.1.3. organise the running of all Club competitions;
11.1.4. liaise with golf course staff to set tee off times and course rules; and
11.1.5. arrange and announce the distribution of weekly trophies and end of year trophies.
11.2. The Secretary shall:
11.2.1. have custody of all books, documents, records and registers of the Club, except those maintained by the Treasurer;
11.2.2. ensure the Scrubbers Golf Club website is maintained and displays past and recent results and other matters deemed worthwhile by the Committee; and
11.2.3. ensure all historical records are archived.
11.3. The Handicapper shall:
11.3.1. keep all records necessary for Club competitions;
11.3.2. Create weekly competitions on, and enter all scores in the GolfLink web site, where possible, within 72 hours of the completion of the competition;
11.3.3. control and report any official variations affecting members handicaps; and
11.3.4. provide all score cards to the Secretary during or at the completion of each season.
11.4. The Treasurer shall:
11.4.1. receive and record the receipt of all monies from members, for membership and weekly playing fees;
11.4.2. pay the courses playing fees for playing members;
11.4.3. prepare the monies to be paid out each week for novelty prizes; and
11.4.4. maintain an account of all monies received and disbursed on behalf of members and present a financial statement at each AGM.
11.5. The Vice President shall:
11.5.1. Perform presidential operations when the president is unable to perform his/her duties.

12. Casual vacancies
12.1. In the event of a casual vacancy of a Committee member, the President (or other Committee member) may request nominations and appoint a member(s) to step in until the return of the vacant member or the end of that season.

13. Annual General Meeting
13.1. The AGM shall usually be held on the final playing game of the each season or failing this within 14 days of the end of that season.
13.2. The order of business at the AGM shall be as follows:
13.2.1. moving and seconding Minutes of the last AGM;
13.2.2. presentation of and moving and seconding the Financial Statement from the Treasurer; and
13.2.3. Electing Committee Members of the Club for the following year.

14. Amendments to the Constitution
14.1. The Club Constitution may only be amended at an AGM (or EGM);
14.2. Any proposed amendment(s) to the Constitution must be presented to The Committee for distribution to members for consideration, 14 days prior to the AGM (or EGM); and
14.3. Proposed amendments are to be put to a vote of the members, with support from the majority of members required for the motion to be passed.

15. Interpretation of Rules
15.1. Any question concerning the interpretation of Rules of the Club or any other matter not provided for in the Rules shall be determined by the Committee Members.

16. Dissolution
16.1 In the event of the club being dissolved any cash surplus shall be donated to a ‘not for profit’ charity. All saleable property shall be either sold at market value, with the proceeds donated to a ‘not for profit’ charity or donated to a like golf club.


(Updated 2nd December 2017)

By becoming a member of the Scrubbers Golf Club, or playing as a visitor or guest, all players agree to abide by the following Rules and Regulations.

1. To participate in competitions and share in any prize pool, players must be fully paid members in accordance with the Schedule of Fees.
a. Players who are not fully paid members may play in competitions but are not eligible to receive any prizes.
b. The only exception is group / team events in which non members play with members, and have a Golf Link or unofficial allocated Club handicap – at the discretion of the Committee.

2. All players who participate in a club event agree to pay Club fees in accordance with the Schedule of Fees within one month of the Treasurers notice.

3. The golf season is concluded on the date of the Wind up and the new season commences the week following the Wind up.

4. Payment of the Annual Fees entitles members free admission to the Wind up event each year. The Committee, at their discretion, may provide a discount on Annual Fees to members.

5. On any occasion when the Club is charged for a game a member nominated for, but did not play, or did not provide sufficient notice for the Club to avoid paying the fees, the member will reimburse the Club for the cost borne. The member will be unable to play in competitions until any outstanding costs are reimbursed.

6. Weekly fees are paid to the Treasurer after the conclusion of each round of golf.

Standard of Dress
7. The Club expects all members to wear a club approved shirt with the club logo affixed (the Club Colours).

8. New members are permitted three games in which to acquire a shirt and have a logo applied.

9. Fines may be issued for members not wearing the Club colours, at the discretion of the Committee.

10. Members will abide by the local dress standards of all courses played throughout the playing season.
11. All equipment used by members will conform to the guidelines set by the R&A.

12. Concessions may be given by the Committee for a player to use non-conforming equipment but with restrictions excluding that player from participating in the novelty events or prize pool.

Rules of Play
13. The Club expects members and visitors to abide by the local rules of the course under play at any time.

14. Members and visitors will abide by the rules of golf as set by the R&A.

15. Until attaining the age of 12 players may play with the Club as a junior member.

16. Junior members play off the ladies (red) tees in all competitions.

17. Junior members shall use the Ladies hole index for events requiring handicap allocation.

18. Junior members are entitled to a discount in green fees if the course under play provides for junior discount.

19. Male, Female and Junior Club handicaps are in accordance with GolfWA and the Golf Link Australian handicap system. The club may allocate an unofficial handicap to non-club members for specific club events.

Schedule of Fees

Annual Fees $100.00 p.a.*
Weekly Fees – 9 holes $0.50 per week*
Weekly Fees – 18 holes To be confirmed prior to games
Club logo $2.50 each if available
Club fines At the discretion of the Committee
Weekly Novelty events – for participation in 9 hole events $2.00 per player on the day*
Weekly Novelty events – for participation in 18 hole events $4.00 per player on the day*
Reduction in Annual Fees for
completed term as a Committee
member $10.00 p.a.*
Reduction in Annual Fees for Major Competition winners At the discretion of the Committee
Reduction in Annual Fees for a
Member unable to play the annual
Wind-up At the discretion of the Committee

*Fees may be varied at the discretion of the Committee.

Schedule of Prizes*

Weekly Winners prize 2 x golf balls or cash
Weekly Runner-up prize 1 x golf ball or cash
Weekly Team event winners 1 x golf ball per team member
Major Competition prizes At the discretion of the Committee
Novelty Competition prizes At the discretion of the Committee
Weekly Novelty events - winners $0.50 per player on the day

*Prizes may be varied at the discretion of the Committee.